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The Torah

OT introduction


What is the bible? Geography of OT. Hebrew history and Hebrew OT books. The Torah. The prophetic books. Books of Hebrew poetry.

The Pentateuch


The first five books are very special. It is called the Torah.

Torah means instructions in righteousness; teaching for walking with God. The Torah does not mean a legalistic set of rules. Now that Israel have been redeemed by faith in the blood of the Lamb this is how they are to live. We have the same principles in the NT, now that we have been redeemed, this is how we are to live holy lives. You have an obligation to walk in God’s commandments. How you live determine not your salvation but your eternal rewards.

The Torah works or grace?


The teaching we have today! The law (the Torah) is all about works and Jesus abolished the law completely and he introduced grace in place of it.

Is the Torah works or grace?

Holiness the way to intimacy – Leviticus


In the scripture, there is no other basis whereby you can have oneness with God. Life is in the blood. It’s the life that is within the blood that provides atonement for the soul.The blood of Jesus sprinkled 7 times from Gethsemane to Golgotha imparts God’s own life to all who learn to appropriate it to their lives

The blood of Jesus has the power to sanctify the whole man: spirit soul and body. There is no place that the blood cannot reach, it will flow everywhere and anywhere where sin has been able to reach. In the book of Leviticus God is giving us the heavenly pattern how to appropriate the sprinkling of blood so that we can become fully sanctified spirit soul and body.


The way into the holy of holies


The tabernacle reveals the heavenly pattern that must be followed if you want to access his presence in the holy of holies. God has a protocol if you want to access his presence in the holy of holies. That pattern is the same for both OT saints and the NT saints. Truth is eternal. God has a pattern for dwelling with man. God’s pattern never change.

The Priestly garments


A priest cannot function without a garment. If he would enter the inner sanctuary without the priestly garments he would die. In the OT, it  a physical garment. In the NT it’s a spiritual garment. But the pattern is the same. We look at the physical garment to understand the spiritual. There is a garment that you must wear to function in the beauty realm.

Building the house of Prayer

Hagias & Zechariah


Many miss the significance of the message of these two prophets. They think it’s just a building project: if you put God’s building project first, then all these things shall be added unto you. Our identity as the people of God is to be a house of prayer. Isaiah 56:7 God calls the temple a house of prayer. Jesus confirmed it in Mathew 21:13, it is written my house, shall be called the house of prayer.  The temple is to function as a worship sanctuary, a place of encounter, where worship continues on day and night 24/7  according to the heavenly pattern of worship God gave to David.

Ezekiel and the Millennium temple


Ezekiel had a vision of the glory of the Millennium temple. Jesus will reign over all the earth headquartered in this temple. He will reign on a throne in this temple.

The temple is that what is most precious to God. It is His eternal dwelling place. We study the millennium temple because our worship is linked to the worship of the heavenly temple and with the worship of the millennial temple. They are both the same reality but with two dimension: one is heavenly the other is earthy.

Esther Rebecca Ruth Eve (type of the bride)


Before time began, the Father promised the Son a companion. That out of a remnant of the human race, the Father would raise up a companion , a bride one who would be equally yoke  with him in love. She will rule and reign with him for eternity

Believers are betrothed to Jesus. They are brides to be. Only those who have been prepared in beauty will be made ready for the marriage of the Lamb.

What is the DNA of the bride of Christ? This is what Jesus is looking for in His bride. This book should be read as a companion to the Songs of Songs.

Song of Songs: (The romance of the gospel)

The End times Prophecy


7 letters & What Jesus calls forth in his bride?


Jesus as the resurrected Christ unveil His new name to his bride. If our hearts is to be empowered and prepared as a bride then we need to encounter Him in the power of His new name. Jesus then gives 7 letters to his bride. This is what Jesus is calling forth in His bride:

  • Intimacy that is radical
  • Loving not your life even unto death
  • Live the fasted lifestyle of prayer and fasting and eat the word of God so as to be consumed by it so that you can release prophetic decrees.
  • Be clothed with humility. This is the opposite of pride and rebellion.
  • Watch and pray- grow strong in the inner man
  • Embrace day and night prophetic worship that is extravagant and radical
  • Come dine with Me and linger in my presence until I become like the One I behold

His battle Plan


How God transition the earth into the new age to come! It is through these three sets of divine judgments. This is his battle plan.  These judgments are redemptive in nature.

Jesus gives us the battle plan so that we can partner with Him now in releasing prophetic worship and decree to usher in His kingdom and the millennium reign on the earth. This is not just for the generation of the LORD’S return. There is a continuity between the house of prayer now and the house of prayer in the generation of the LORD’s return.


What the last kingdom will be like


Daniel gives us four prophetic visions and they all relate to the same last beast kingdom: the rule of the Antichrist. Daniel is a prophet, he is revealing to us what the last empire will look like and where the evil king that will rule this empire will arise.

The Prophets

Major Prophets (Isaiah & Jeremiah)



Isaiah is unparalleled in its portrait of Messiah. No one portrait Israel Messiah like Isaiah does. He is the King who will reign in righteousness. He is the Servant of the LORD who will suffer. The depth of his suffering and the heights of his exaltation is described in great details. Then He is the anointed conqueror. How can a king reign in righteousness over a holy remnant until the Servant provides atonement for his people and the conqueror overthrows all their enemies?


Nowhere in the bible is the heart of God for Israel more revealed that in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah is the prophet of zero hour. He is not just delivering a message. His heart is pained because of the judgment that was coming on his fellow country man.  Every prediction of coming judgment is soaked with tears, every pleading is punctuated with sobs.

I am pained in my bowels, my bowels! Oh the pain in my very heart; my heart makes a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because you have heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. (Jeremiah 4:19).Oh, that my head were a spring of water, and my eyes a fountain of tears, I would weep day and night over the slain daughter of my people. (BSB Jeremiah 9:1)

This is God Himself weeping through the prophet. God suffers along with his people even when He is obliged in righteousness to smite them. In all his afflictions, He Himself was afflicted (Isaiah 63:9). Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet. Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Very few man have entered into such identification with the heart of God. 


Lamentation comes from the Latin word lament for “tears”. A lament is a strong cry expressing sorrow and grief in the form of weeping and mourning. In the Greek translation of the OT, this book is called tears.

Jeremiah is weeping over the destruction of Jerusalem as he sees the city burned with fire, the temple taken down stone by stone, the people slain and the streets deserted. This is God Himself expressing his emotions through the prophet. God is suffering along with his people. God suffers with us not because He is weak but because He is love. If God is not involved in our pain and suffering, can He be love at all? But He is involved in our pain and suffering. He suffers with us, He weeps with us.

Weeping in the bible is not a sign of weakness. In Hebrew thinking it takes a man to weep, to identify with the suffering of his people and weep along with them. In Israel even unto this day, a man can never get to be the prime minster unless he can weep over the grave of an Israeli soldier. Our western society is to admire people that don’t weep. This comes from the Greek rather than the Hebrew thinking.








Minor Prophets (12)


Why study the Hebrew prophets? Because the prophets reveal God to us, all the prophetic books, not just one but all together gives us a complete revelation of what God is like.

Books of Poetry



How should the Righteous face hardship? When you are under great trials, how do you handle it?

Books of Poetry

Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes

  • Psalms – The language of prayer in songs intentionally arranged to convey a unique message. The book of Psalms is not a hymn book. The psalms have been intentionally arranged to convey a unique message in songs. The book has a unique design which you won’t see unless you read the book from the beginning to the end.
  • Proverbs – wisdom is personified as a person that existed before time began. He is the uncreated God. To know the experiential knowledge of Him is linked to walking in wisdom. The intimate knowledge of God is the highest attainment that the human spirit can experience in this age and in the new age to come
  • Ecclesiastes – Life under the sun lived without the experiential knowledge of God is like a vapour empty and meaningless

The Historical Books


A land and Kingdom

  • Joshua
  • Judges
  • Ruth
  • 1 and 2 Samuel
  • 1 and 2 Kings

Post Exile

  • Ezra Hagias and Zechariah
  • Esther
  • Nehemiah
  • 1 and 2 Chronicles
  • Malachi

The Gospels and Epistles

The Gospels


What is a gospel! A gospel is not a biography. It’s not a biography that covers the details of the life of Jesus. Thirty years of his life is missing, then over 1/3 of the gospels describe the passion week, the final week leading to the crucifixion pointing to the centrality of His death and resurrection in the Christian doctrine.

A gospel is a news announcement. The writers of the gospels were news reporters. They were eyewitness, they saw what happened and they wanted it to be announced before they passed away that Jesus is God who was manifested in the flesh and came and dwelt among us.

Passion Week


How dramatic! How important are the details of the last week. One third of the gospels are about the events leading up to the crucifixion. Right now Jesus keenly remembers every details of the last week. We have been given a significant amount of details in scripture in order that we might share in into the fellowship of His heart.

Book of ACTS


My purpose is writing this book is that you may catch a glimpse of the spirit of life that was in the early church (Acts 1-6). And that you may catch the spirit that was in the Apostle Paul his values his vision that he imparted in all the churches that he planted. That you may walk in the same spirit embrace the same apostolic values and vision and so turn this world upside down with the power of the gospel as did the early Apostles.

The man Paul and his apostolic ministry


Paul and his ministry

Paul‘s personal life is one unparalleled dedication and undistracted focus to pursue after Jesus in such a radical way. The whole of the man, his whole life and being is absorbed in this ONE thing: that I May know Him (Philippians 3:8, 14). Christ Himself is the supreme quest, the life vision, the object of Paul’s desire.

The Prison epistles


Prison epistles

Ephesians Colossians and Philippians are the richest of all his epistles and they were all written whist Paul was in prison. The effect of Paul’s prison epistles is still bearing much fruit in the church today. They are the richest and the deepest of all his epistles. The highest peak of divine revelation.

Pastoral Pioneer Pillar


Pastoral pioneer Pillar Epistles

All your questions answered in this Pauline Epistles by rightly dividing the word of truth.

Can a Christian take another Christian to court? Does the man have a functional authority over his spouse in the marriage relationship? Can a woman have a lead role as the chief shepherd of a church congregation? Does Paul require all overseers to be man? What about: let your women be silent in the churches for it is not permitted for them to speak!

Is the Torah works or grace? What is the timing of the rapture and much more….


They are called general Epistles because they were Epistles written to churches in a wider geographical area and not to a specific church. The term General means universal.  James Peter John, each of the Epistle deals with a specific message. Yet there is a strand that flows producing a unity among all the Epistles.

You need all three: James Peter John so that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly equipped to all good works.


The prayer room


In prayer there is a journey. There is a growth . Prayer in its introduction is not costly but to go to the depth to what God has made available in prayer is costly. We are to move from intersession to releasing prophetic decree. We are to be like Moses releasing judgments prophetic decree and declaring before Pharaoh: let my people go.This is the purpose of the Ecclesia- to be governing body. You legislate you declare and decree. This is how you rule and reign.

Sermon on the Mount lifestyle


The Sermon on the Mount is the most comprehensive statement that Jesus ever made about what his kingdom is like. He is a king. He has come to bring forth his kingdom here and now. These are the beatitudes of my kingdom. Beatitudes in Latin: beautus. These are the beautiful things of my kingdom. Let me tell you what I am like and what the citizens of my kingdom are like. I am meek and lowly in heart, I hunger and thirst for righteousness. I love righteousness but hate inequities. I abound mercy. Let me tell me tell you what the pathway to true pleasure is. You have been created to be adorned with God, to be filled with God Himself. You have been created for light, for glory and virtue.

Jesus sets forth 8 pillars- the core virtues of his kingdom. He then shows us  a more excellent way, the way to greatness in His kingdom. How to cultivate the garden of your heart so that  these beatitudes to grow in your garden?




The Atonement


What was accomplished through the atoning work of the cross? By the work of the cross, I mean by the death and the resurrection of Jesus the Son of God from the dead.

Practical ministry

Heavenly pattern for marriage

Israel Christianity and Islam

The mystery of Israel


Why we need to understanding the mystery of Israel? Because the destiny of the church and Israel are in separately linked together.

The church will not enter into its fullness until she can feel God’s heart beat for Israel and stands in gap for her in intersession. The salvation of Israel is dependent upon the church entering into the fullness of what God has provided in salvation. It is the glorious church that will provoke Israel to jealousy.

Israel Christianity and Islam

Jesus or Allah, Christianity or Islam


Understanding Islam. How to explain the trinity to a Muslim. The ARK reveals the heavenly pattern of the trinity in visual form. Who is Jesus? The Isa of the Quran and the Jesus of the bible are not the same Jesus. Criteria for Office of the last Prophet: What does the bible say about the unique criteria for the last prophet to mankind and what does the Quran say about the last prophet to mankind. Your frequently asked questions answered.

Israel Christianity and Islam

The bible or the Quran



Has the bible been corrupted? Has the Quran been corrupted?  We look at the evidence for both the bible and the Quran. Did Paul infiltrate the early church and corrupted its teachings? Comparing the bible with the Quran.

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